Shaping the world we need
Christensen Global is a strategic advisory firm developing, accelerating, and scaling solutions for impact.

Unlocking the Power of Small Businesses to Drive Climate-Smart Inclusive Growthew List Item
Small businesses must play a crucial role in solving climate change. They are key drivers of economic output globally and within local communities. Yet, they are disproportionately vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and face unique challenges in accessing emerging opportunities within the green economy.
Fall 2023: Traction for Action
From the Sun Valley Forum to Climate Week NYC, the past few months have been all about traction for action! We know how urgent it all is, and it finally feels like resources are coming off the sidelines at a much faster pace and greater scale, with much more trim tab leverage for impact.
Confluence Members Gather for Impact in the Mountains:
Report from the Sun Valley Forum
As we head into Climate Week NYC, held each year alongside the United Nations General Assembly, the climate community is preparing to host hundreds of gatherings across New York City to accelerate climate action. Confluence Philanthropy will bring its members and friends together at its own Climate Week events designed to share information, spark new efforts, and build community.
Shaping the Narrative: Responsible Climate Leadership
Report from the 2023 Sun Valley Forum
This year's Sun Valley Forum included outstanding presentations on the power of storytelling to motivate climate action and reclaim the narrative of business's role in maintaining commitments to responsible environmental, social, and governance principles and practices. The latter is at risk by those who seek to quelch corporate climate leadership.
We believe in science and expertise. We believe in the Paris Agreement on climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals. We bring practical knowledge derived from success in national policy making, multilateral action, corporate leadership and capital innovation, with science as our foundation.
We believe in the power of restoring natural systems. In a time of big stakes, we deliver systemic solutions with co-benefits for people and planet that create prosperity. Because of the vital role that natural systems play in reducing risk and creating opportunities, preserving and restoring nature is at the heart of our goal to build a more equitable and resilient world.
We believe in the power of art and storytelling to inspire and engage. We build visions and compelling narratives that shift how we see our natural world by celebrating nature and humanity through art and story. Art and culture are integral to a healthy society, providing learnings from our past, perspectives on our present, and pathways to our future.
We believe in human connection. More than ever, we recognize the power of community and connection to strengthen individual and collective wellbeing. As we build the world we need, community builds the foundation of trusted relationships needed to take courageous action. By bringing people together for something greater than themselves, we inspire purpose and accelerate impact from collective knowledge.
We believe every person must have the chance to live up to their fullest potential. We shape systems that create economic opportunity for the most vulnerable, ensuring all can learn, raise their voice, and grow. Only when we all are empowered with resources and opportunity can we surface the diverse solutions needed to achieve a just, resilient, and thriving world for all.